
Kidney Infection Signs

Kidney Infection Signs

Kidney Infection Signs. Have you been under the temperature lately with unusual symptoms you can’t shake? If you’ve noticed a fever, chills, or pain in your back or sides that won’t go away, it could be a sign of a kidney infection. Kidney infections are serious business and nothing to mess around with. Likewise, you’ll want to call your doctor immediately if you experience a burning sensation when you pee, feel like you constantly have to go to the bathroom, but only a little comes out, or see blood in your urine.

Nausea, vomiting, and a loss of appetite can also come with a kidney infection. While it may be tempting to ride it out at home with some over-the-counter meds, a kidney infection requires prescription antibiotics to clear up. The sooner you get on them, the sooner you’ll return to feeling like yourself. So don’t delay – call your doctor today if you’re experiencing possible kidney infection symptoms. Your health and recovery depend on it!

Fever and Chills: Your Body Is Fighting the Infection

If you’ve got a fever and chills, it’s a sign your body is working hard to fight an infection in your kidneys. The fever results from your body’s immune system ramping up to take on the infection, while the chills are caused by tiny blood vessels in your skin constricting to redirect blood flow to your vital organs.

A high fever, especially over 101 F, can be dangerous if left untreated. See your doctor immediately for an accurate diagnosis and treatment, like antibiotics, to prevent complications. They may also recommend over-the-counter medications to help lower your fever and relieve discomfort.

While fever and chills are two of the most common symptoms of a kidney infection, they can also be signs of other illnesses. Only a physician can control the exact cause and appropriate course of treatment. So don’t delay if you have a high fever – especially if it’s accompanied by symptoms like back pain, nausea or vomiting, or changes in urination.

A kidney infection requires prompt medical care. With treatment, the infection can usually be cleared up within a week. However, without treatment, it may lead to permanent kidney damage. Don’t tough it out or try to self-treat. See your physician as soon as for an exam, diagnosis, and prescription for antibiotics or other medications as needed. They can help you regain feeling like yourself again quickly and avoid complications.

Your health and wellness should be a top priority. Pay attention to your body, and don’t hesitate to call the doctor if something feels off. For example, regarding a potential kidney infection, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. With the proper treatment, you’ll be on the mend and back to your usual activities in no time.

Burning or Pain During Urination: The Kidneys Are Involved

Kidney Infection Signs

Suppose you notice a burning sensation when pee. Your kidneys could be in trouble. It is one of the most common signs of a kidney infection, and you’ll want to see your doctor immediately for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

A kidney infection, or pyelonephritis, occurs when bacteria enter your kidneys, usually from a lower urinary tract infection. The bacteria then multiply in your kidneys, causing an infection. Kidney infections require prompt medical attention to avoid serious complications.

The pain or burning you feel comes from the infection irritating your urinary tract and kidneys. It may feel like pins and needles or stabbing pain in your lower back, sides, or groin. The pain often worsens as your bladder fills up and feels better after you urinate. You may also feel the urge to go more often, even right after you’ve gone.

Other symptoms to watch for include:

  • Fever and chills. An infection can cause a high fever and make you feel very ill.
  • Nausea or vomiting. The infection may make you feel sick to your stomach.
  • Cloudy or bloody urine. Your urine may look cloudy and contain blood or pus.
  • Flank pain. Pain in your sides or back, where your kidneys are located.

If you experience these symptoms, call your doctor. A simple urine test can check for signs of infection. Antibiotic treatment, usually for 7 to 14 days, can clear up a kidney infection and prevent severe problems. First, however, take the entire course of medication as prescribed to cure the infection completely.

Frequent or Strong Urge to Urinate: The Kidneys Are Struggling

Frequent or Strong Urge to Urinate: The Kidneys Are Struggling

If you constantly have to pee or have a strong urge to go that you can’t ignore, your kidneys may struggle. Your kidneys purify waste and excess fluid from your blood to make urine. When infected, they have a harder time doing their job and can’t keep up with the amount of urine their body produces. This results in the frequent need to urinate as your bladder fills up quickly.

Some other signs your frequent urination could be due to a kidney infection include:

  • Urinating small amounts: Even though you feel you must go often, you may only pass a bit of urine each time. Your kidneys are having trouble filtering correctly.
  • Pain or burning: A kidney infection can cause a burning sensation when you urinate, as well as pain in your lower back, side, or groin.
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine: Your urine may look cloudy, dark, or strange-smelling. It indicates more waste products in your urine that your kidneys can’t filter out.
  • Nausea or vomiting: A kidney infection can sometimes lead to nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite as your body tries to fight the infection.

If you experience several symptoms, persistent urination, pain, and cloudy urine, see your doctor immediately for an exam and urine test. A kidney infection requires prompt treatment with antibiotics to prevent permanent damage. Your doctor can also check for any underlying conditions contributing to the infection.

The excellent news is kidney infections are often easily treated if caught early. But left untreated, they can become a severe medical issue. So don’t delay if you suspect your frequent trips to the bathroom could signal a problem with your kidneys. It’s always better to be safe in this case.

Kidney Infection Signs Back, Side, or Groin Pain: The Infection Is Spreading

Kidney Infection Signs

Kidney Infection Signs The Pain Is Getting Worse

If your back, side, or groin pain is becoming more intense, it’s a sign the infection is spreading and becoming more serious. Kidney infections that aren’t treated correctly can permanently damage your kidneys, or the bacteria can enter your bloodstream and become life-threatening. See your physician right away for an exam and urine test. They may do blood tests or imaging scans to check how far the infection has spread.

  • Dull ache turning into throbbing pain. The pain may start as a dull ache in your lower back, side, or groin area but progressively worsens over a few hours or days.
  • Pain radiating to different areas. You may notice the pain spreading to your lower abdomen, genitals, or inner thighs.
  • Pain severe enough to disrupt sleep or daily activities. If the pain is so bad that it’s difficult to sleep, work or exercise, it requires immediate medical attention.
  • Pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or fever. Worsening pain combined with these other symptoms is a sign the infection is becoming more severe or even life-threatening if left untreated. Seek emergency care right away.

To relieve discomfort until you can see your doctor:

  1. Apply a heating pad to the painful area. The warmth can help relax your muscles and relieve pain.
  2. Get extra rest. Lying down can take pressure off your kidneys and back.
  3. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help flush bacteria from your urinary tract.
  4. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. For example, Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen can help reduce pain and fever. Follow the dosage instructions on the packaging.


Kidney Infection Signs Nausea, Vomiting or Loss of Appetite: Your Body Needs Rest

When you have a kidney infection, your body is working hard to fight the infection. It can take an essential toll on your health and energy levels. Feeling nauseous, vomiting, or losing your appetite are signs that your body needs to rest to focus on healing.

  • Nausea and vomiting make staying hydrated and getting the nutrients you need difficult. Try drinking small sips of water, using oral rehydration solutions like Pedialyte, or sucking on ice chips. Also, eat bland, easy-to-digest foods like rice, bananas, and toast.
  • A loss of appetite is expected with a kidney infection. Don’t force yourself to eat if you don’t feel up to it. Your appetite will return once the infection clears and you’re feeling better. In the meantime, prioritize staying hydrated and overeating.
  • Extra rest gives your body the time and energy to fight the infection. Aim for 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Take naps during the day if needed. Limit physical activity and avoid stressful situations when possible.

Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite you’re experiencing are typical signs that your body is working hard to overcome the infection. Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and be gentle with yourself.

While these symptoms are unpleasant, the good news is they are temporary—your appetite and energy levels will start to improve as the infection clears and your kidneys heal. However, if symptoms worsen or last more than a few days, see your doctor immediately. They may want to administer IV fluids or adjust your treatment plan.


So if you’re facing any of these symptoms, don’t delay – get to your doctor immediately. Kidney infections are nothing to mess around with and can get fast and severe if left untreated. On the other hand, early diagnosis and a round of antibiotics should clear things up and have you feeling back to normal in no time.

While kidney infections are usually not life-threatening if caught early, the pain and discomfort are no fun. So do yourself a favor and call your doctor at the first sign of trouble. Your kidneys work hard for you daily, so show them some love and get the treatment you need. Here’s to a quick recovery and getting back to everything you enjoy!

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